Thursday, August 1, 2019

How to write a good blog post ! 7 Easy steps on How to write blog post fast

Written by: Dony.
Blogger and Academic writer

This step by step guide will tell you“How to write a good blog post”.

He will get A+ grade certainly πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

I know you are here to know about how you can make your next blog post a hit a grow your followers quickly to grow your blogging business fast and steady .. But, you know, practical experience is more valuable than theory. No matter how good grade you have achieved in your C++ programming exam, Your portfolio will not be heavy enough until you gained some practical experience in a job, or as a freelancer programmer.

 The same thing goes with writing a matter how much theory you read it will not be perfect until you take a pen and paper and start writing. Remember practice makes perfect. I have done with the metaphor now, let's get to the business. In this article, I will explain to you how to write a blog post fast in 7 easy steps.

These 5 steps include:
1. Choosing a topic with proper keyword research, research in the chosen topic and creating a rough outline of the article.
2. Decide an informative and catchy title that will grab the attention of the reader.
3. Writing the post.
4. Use adequate graphics.
5. Add humor to increase reader engagement and explain complex topics clearly.
6. Formatting steps.
7. Edit your post to avoid repetition and grammatical mistakes and others.
Now, let's check the above points in more details:

How to write a good blog post, step-1, Keyword research and planning

plan your outline to write a blog post fast

Many new bloggers tend to skip keyword research and planning stages of writing a blog post. If you are planning to start blogging to earn from ad-sense or affiliate marketing and wish to get tons of organic traffic to your site then keyword research is a must.

 Many new bloggers does the mistake of choosing high competition keywords like “make money online” ends up with not getting adequate traffic and their blogging career fails to grow. So choose less competitive keywords at first, to start flying at first. 

Plan the outline of your blog in advance. Many new bloggers tend to skip this part. Keep in mind “don’t skip this part” this part will eventually reduce the time you take to complete writing an entire blog post. It will prevent you from roaming here and there for hours not knowing what to write in the paper.

 Do research, take note, check the authenticity of the information you intend to write in your post. Create an outline of the post before start writing in the word processor.

 Choose the topic of your interest

can you guess what is his favorite topic might be?😎😎

Memorize this maxim

 No fun for the writer, no fun for the reader.” live and die with this statement in your heart. don’t heart your blog post by choosing a topic that doesn’t interest you.

 Because your lack of enthusiasm in the topic will reflect in the quality of writing. so if you like to earn from blogging then choose a niche that is less competitive and in which you have an interest in.

Create an outline of your post

Avoid rambling on your topic by creating a “short and less detailed” outline of your post in advance. It will reduce the time you will take while writing the final draft of your post. It will keep you on track.

For example, the outline of this article could be as follows:
Stating what will be covered in the article

Section 1: blog post planning
Will cover ore-writing activities such as keyword research, topic choosing, and outline creation.

Section-2: creating a final draft
Tips on how to write the final draft of the post with better productivity.

Section-3: editing phase
Tips on how to edit the blog posts.

Section-4: conclusion
Wrap up.

Do proper research and check the credibility

Good research means a post with valuable content 😐😐

Let's be honest, if you and I want to write a blog for an earning or living we have to write a blog on many topics in which we may don’t know anything. Then how we write on a matter with authority. Yes, it is by web research. So if you want to write on a matter with authority you have to master the art of proper web research. Don’t always rely on Wikipedia as your primary source of information for the post. Rather use an authoritative source like government-owned websites, industry experts, the industry association.

You can also check the authenticity of information gathered from other websites from these mentioned examples. Always remember, one glaring mistake will end your credibility in the market. Even to your loyal readers. So be cautious. If you ever do a mistake fix it before it escalates like a fire.

How to write a good blog post, step-2: catchy headlines

Do you like this headline?😏😏

You can follow either of the two title writing approaches as you wish. You can decide a final title at the beginning and plan the outline of your post based on it. Or you can write the post first and then decide a title based on the post. I follow both the approach alternatively based on the situation.

Some say you must write a specific title to avoid readers from becoming mislead.
others say vogue is okay. I would suggest you go with a specific and catchy title approach. I do the same.

How to Write a good Blog Post, Step 3: write the post finally

Start writing calmlyπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Since you have finished your keyword research, completed topic choosing, content research and fixed a workable title. Now you will start writing.

Similar to title writing, final blog post writing has also two approaches. Either you can complete the whole post at one sitting, this is my preferred method. As this approach will keep you focused on the topic, it will minimize the chance of forgetting crucial points.

Or you can write in multiple smaller sessions as you wish. Even if you write in a smaller session try to write maximum in those sessions. Remember not to go off-topic. As you will revisit the draft in different writing session you will be tempted to add and subcontract here and there each time which might deviate you from the topic. So be cautious.
As a beginner blogger, it might take several hours or even days to complete a whole blog post. But, don’t worry, with time as other skills improve, so does writing skills. So with practice and experience, you will be able to write great posts in several hours. Don’t worry about writing the introduction of the post first. Write the body first then worry about the introduction later.

How to Write a good Blog Post, Step 4: Use graphics

This image is great  what do you say😊😊

Use  Diagrams, charts, infographics, tables, and any other visual assets to stimulate your readers to read the article till the end. Note that people often will not read through your good looking well-formatted article if it is not spiced up with some good graphics. So master how to use images in your article. People often don’t have the courage ability to read even a good quality article solely consists of lengthy text only. So try to use a photo, preferably real-time photo rather than the stock photo. People prefer that.

Graphics will help your article in the following ways:

1. Note that many times people just skim through your article rather than read it in full. Interesting images will make your post more visually appealing, less intimidating to the reader and will encourage the audience to read full.

2. You can add humor in your post by adding a carefully chosen image that will make your reader laugh. Especially if you are writing on a dry topic.

How to Write a good Blog Post, Step 5: add humor in your post

He is happy!

Adding humor in your blog is important because it breaks dry topics which we normally assume as less interesting. Humor lightens up the reader’s defense s towards dry and lengthy topics and encourages them to carry on, reading the article till the end.

Do this to add humor in your post: a full article can be written on the use of humor in blogs. I would like to suggest you following approach towards adding humor in blog posts.

1. Add funny metaphors and similes.
2. Make stocks of humor while surfing the web. save them in notepad. And use them where appropriate.
3. Make fun of yourself by recalling any funny mistakes or events that happened in your life. Don’t make fun of others unless you are okay with being screwed by others online.
4. Make your post humorous with funny memes and images.
5. Include conversation with jokes.
A full article can be written on this topic so In-depth web research is suggested on the matter.

How to Write a good Blog Post, Step 6: formatting makes your post looks gorgeous.

It is our natural phenomenon of humans to get attracted to what looks beautiful. looks of an object influence our opinion towards it. Even if the conceived opinion is not always true.  We just do it. As an expert blogger, you should take advantage of it. To give your post a gorgeous look, I would suggest the following:

1. Adding sub-header is good.
2. Narrow post look goods, so keep it narrow.
3. Use bold text in specific important sentences.
4. Use the right graphics.
5. Use lists.
6. short paragraph.
7. Text call out
8. Use captions in the image
9. Multiple size sub-headers to bring contrast.

A full article can be written on this topic so In-depth web research is suggested on the matter.

How to Write a good Blog Post, Step 7: The Editing phase

After completing the hard writing, you will now start even harder, editing of your post.

Do the following

1. Look for spelling, grammar, and repeated words and phrases. If possible, replace them, as repetition will annoy your readers.
2. Read your post loudly to find out wordy bottlenecks or contrived sentences.. if you find you are struggling with the flow of sentences. Rewrites it.
3. Show your commitment to the quality of your post by telling your friend to check your artwork for you. It is in no way an admission of weakness and failure. Rather showcasing your commitment towards your job and your values readers.

Ask your friend to check your artwork.😎😎

4. Keep sentences short as it makes reading easier.
A short paragraph increases the chance that your audience will read until the end. A big paragraph annoys the reader. So keep it short simple and sweet.

There is nothing like a perfect post

I acknowledge the factπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

Don’t get me wrong if I say that there is nothing like a perfect blog post by assuming that I am advocating to publish a sloppy work or saying you not to be obsessed with details. Rather I am saying even your best post has a room for betterment. But time is always against us. As a professional blogger, you might need to publish at least two posts each month. So if you agonize over the quality of each and every post, it will reduce your encourage to write and so eventually you will go out of the blogging industry. It is better, sooner you come into terms with this fact.

Don’t hesitate to cut or adapt your post

Edit your work carefully😏😏

Don’t hesitate to cut or adapt your post or paragraph according to the need of your client or situation. Some times you need to take this kind of your tough decision, no matter how good the written paragraph maybe, due to the limitation to complete post within a   predetermined word limit or it will take you off the track.

That all wanted to write about “How to write a blog post fast and easy”!

I am doneπŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Blogging is not easy. Tough perceived easy but it gets easier with time and practice. The ball is in your court now. I have handed over my resources to you. Now take up your pen and paper and start writing your first blog.

Please feel free, to give me any suggestions if you would like to, in the comment section. Your valued suggestion will help me to get better day by day. Thanks for reading the article until the end.

Written by: Dony.
Blogger and Academic writer

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